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Don't Kiss Your Brother's Sworn Enemy (Don't Kiss! Series Book 1) Read online

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  That's why I find it a little hard to believe that he got over her in just a day. No one moves on that fast. Something tells me it's just a ploy to make Harper jealous.

  But I don't tell Harper that theory. I don't want to get her hopes up in case I'm wrong.

  And who knows? Maybe it's just her pride talking right now. She's not used to guys getting over her quickly. More often than not, her ex-boyfriends attempt to get her back. Kirby seems to be an exception—and it baffles her.

  Maybe she'll get over it in the next few days. But if she doesn't, well, I'll think about bringing up that theory.

  Harper purses her lips. "Whatever. I don't care. He can move on as fast as he can. You know what? I heard Brandon James is asking about me. Maybe I should check that out." Flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder in a dramatic fashion, she gives me a smug smile and walks away without another word.

  I smirk as she heads off, pretending not to notice Kirby with Jenna as she strolls past.

  But after she passes them, he visibly turns his head and stares after her. Then without saying anything, he leaves a confused Jenna to walk in the opposite direction.

  My brows shoot up. I guess my theory is spot on. Kirby is still hung up on Harper and he's just using Jenna to make her jealous.

  I wonder if I should tell Harper that. But what if knowing that Kirby is still into her will just make her realize she's truly over him? Maybe it's better to just let them sort themselves out.

  "Hey, Mouse."

  Tucking my books against my chest, I whirl around to see a smirking Jake walking my way. What does he want now?

  He stops in front of me, with his smirk still firmly in place. "You know, I was already home last night when I realized something."

  "I actually don't. But I have a feeling you'll tell me anyway," I say dryly and start to walk to class.

  He’s quick to match my steps. “Yeah. I don’t have your number.”

  “That’s because I never gave it to you.”

  Not that he ever asked. But then, there’s never really been a reason for it.

  “Clearly, we have to rectify that.” When I don’t respond, he adds, “You know, for our paper.”

  “We can meet at the library after class.”

  “Can’t. Soccer practice.”

  Right. I forgot about that.

  “How about—”

  “I can just come over to your house.” He sounds like he’s joking, but something tells me he’s serious.

  I let out a snort. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

  Cole will be livid if he sees even a shadow of Jake standing at our doorstep. To have him inside our house? I can’t imagine what my twin’s reaction will be.

  “Why? Because your brother hates my guts?” Jake scoffs just as a group of sophomore girls passes by, giggling and batting their lashes at him. He responds with his signature Jake Wilson smile, which only makes them giggle harder.

  I stifle the urge to roll my eyes. He’s such a flirt. “How’s Zoe?”

  I don’t even know why I asked. I don’t really care. Okay, maybe just a little. For my twin’s sake. Maybe there’s hope for him just yet.

  “Zoe who?” Confusion steals his features.

  Seriously? “Zoe Reynolds? The girl you were flirting with in the cafeteria yesterday?”

  A wide grin breaks across his face, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Been watching me at lunch, Mouse?”

  Really? That’s what he got out of what I said? “For like a second. Get over yourself, Wilson.”

  He just hums under his breath, unconvinced.

  This time, I don’t bother suppressing an eye-roll. So full of himself.

  “Well? Should I come by your house tonight?”

  I shake my head. “The paper is due next week. So, how about this Saturday instead? No school, no practice. And I'm free from work. Also, I think it’s better if I’ll be the one to go to your place.”

  Jake shrugs. “I’m cool either way.” Before I can swat his hand, he playfully tugs my ponytail and follows it with, "Later, Mouse!" before swaggering away and leaving me scowling after him.

  Ugh. Annoying.

  Chapter 4

  "Is Knox Steele dating anyone right now? Asking for myself." Taylor Perkins sidles next to me behind the shoe rental counter that I'm currently wiping down.

  I work part-time at The Bowling Place, a bowling alley located along the boardwalk, the usual hangout spot of Grove Valley's tweens and teenagers alike—and even adults.

  It's not that I'm strapped for cash. My parents give me enough allowance to cover for anything I need. But getting a part-time job is a good way to earn extra money and a good use of my time. It can never hurt to get one.

  Although Mom and Dad balked in the beginning—even going as far as asking me if I had a secret huge expense I needed to pay for—they eventually let me keep it. Especially after I'd convinced them that this was better than wasting my time doing nothing.

  I still have no idea what I'll do with the extra cash. Maybe a few extravagant shopping sprees. Or a trip to Cabo or some other awesome place with my friends before we head to college. I really don't know. For now, my paychecks remain untouched.

  "Isn't she dating Brinley Adams?" I ask back.

  "No. They broke up weeks ago," Luna Goodman, who's organizing the rental shoes behind us, answers for Taylor.

  That's right. Luna is best friends with Brinley. Which I think is a little fascinating. The two couldn't be more polar opposites. Brinley is outgoing and popular, and Luna is more laidback and prefers to stay on the sidelines. While Brinley is a certified blonde, Luna is a brunette through and through.

  "Sucks, right?" Taylor says, combing her curly brown hair with her fingers. "They were such a cute couple. They were practically inseparable."

  Luna just hums, not saying anything else. Which tells me she knows something we don't.

  But I doubt she'll spill the tea, so to speak. Her loyalty lies with her best friend, after all. I know I do.

  It doesn't mean Taylor isn't going to try to pry. "So, why did they break up?"

  "I can't tell you."

  "Why? Is it scandalous or something?"

  "Because it's not my story to tell. How about that?"

  "Oh, come on," Taylor whines. "It's not like we're gonna tell everyone about it."

  "Just drop it, okay?"

  I can tell Luna's a little annoyed. Taylor can easily draw that kind of reaction from people. She can be persistent at times. If something interests her, nothing can stop her from pursuing it. The girl can be a handful.

  Taylor opens her mouth to respond but quickly shuts it again upon seeing the new customer that just walked in.

  Knox Steele himself.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Luna stiffening at the sight of him.

  "So hot," Taylor mutters under her breath, drawing my attention away from Luna and making me smirk.

  But she's not wrong. Knox is easily one of the hottest guys in school.

  Even in a simple black hoodie that he's wearing right now, he stands out among his peers. He has short black hair and equally dark eyes that are framed by thick lashes. With an aristocratic nose and prominent jaw, his mouth is often pressed in a thin line. And at six-three, he's also one of the tallest guys in school.

  Despite the fact that his default expression is a scowl and an unfriendly expression, most West Grove High girls still find him appealing. They're clearly digging the aloof and mysterious vibe he's perpetually in.

  And now that he's broken up with Brinley, everyone's clamoring to be his next girlfriend.

  "You can wipe your drool now," I snicker at Taylor as Knox and his friends disappear from view.

  "I can stare at him all day." She lets out a swoony sigh. "What was Brinley thinking when she broke up with that guy?"

  We both turn to Luna, giving her an expectant look.

  She rolls her eyes. "Still not telling you anything."

  Taylor pouts. "
You're no fun."

  "You can always ask Brinley," I tell her. "Maybe she'll fill you in."

  Brinley isn't exactly known for being private. She always posts her thoughts and emotions on her socials. Which means whenever she and Knox had a fight, she'd let the whole world know about it.

  Surprisingly, she kept quiet about their breakup. She hadn't said anything about it. Not even when everyone at school started gossiping about them.

  I've always wondered why.

  "Yeah. Maybe I'll do just that. Since Ms. Secretive here won't tell us anything."

  Luna doesn't even react to that. Since she's done organizing the shoes, she leaves the rental counter without another word.

  "What's her deal?" Taylor mutters before walking off to the opposite direction, leaving me alone at the counter.

  I don't mind one bit. I've got work to do and Taylor talking my ear off isn't going to help me finish it.

  Chapter 5

  On Friday morning, Cole pulls Red into an empty spot of the school parking lot. Red is the name of the Red Honda Camry that we've had since junior year.

  Dad wanted to buy us each so we can have our own cars, but Mom had shut that idea down real quick. She doesn't think it's practical to get two cars for me and my brother when we go to the same school and basically have the same schedules.

  Cole thinks she's being cheap, but I'm fine with it. I have a car and I don't need to drive it all the time. And if he's using it, I can always ask Harper to come pick me up. So what's there to complain about?

  "You'll get a ride home from Harper later, right? I've got practice after school."

  Cole is the captain of West Grove High's baseball team. He initially wanted to try out for the soccer team—since it was more his sport than baseball—but having Jake in the same team had kept him from doing it.

  I guess that decision also added to his resentment toward Jake—especially since soccer has proven to be more popular than baseball. Even the soccer team's practice games never fail to gather a crowd.

  "Sure." I shrug. "No problem." Like I said, I don't mind getting a ride from my best friend.

  Harper and I have plans later anyway. I'd probably still ride home with her even if Cole didn't have practice.

  We'll be hanging out at The Bowling Place with our friends. I love the place so even though I work there, I don't mind chilling there and having fun during my off days.

  It's not like there are a lot of hangouts in Grove Valley. The teens in this town can only take their pick from the shops along the boardwalk where The Bowling Place is located. Well, there's also the lake and the McCoys' farm where we mostly go for bonfire parties.

  But if you're looking for something more fun and different, you'll have to head to the city, which is an hour away from our small town. That's why my friends and I mostly find our fun here.

  I'm already unbuckling my seatbelt when someone knocks on my window, startling me.


  It's Harper, and she looks impatient...and seemingly not wearing any makeup. What, did she forget to apply some on her face being in a hurry to get to me? Even her pink shirt looks to be a little rumpled, like she just grabbed it from her pile of clothes and hastily put it on.

  Well, this is a first.

  Sighing, I motion for her to move so I can step out. Knowing my best friend, it's probably something boy-related. When is it not anyway?

  Which she only proves when I'm out of the car and she shoves her phone in front of my face. "Kirby just tweeted something cryptic!"

  "First of all, calm down. Second, what the heck are you talking about?"

  She waves her phone at me. "Take a look!"

  I stifle an eye-roll before taking the phone. With her reaction, you'd think it's the end of the world. But when I finally take a look at what she's talking about, I finally get why she's acting this way.

  That feel when you finally meet the girl of your dreams.

  Kirby punctuated his tweet with a heart-eyes emoji. It's been retweeted and liked more than a hundred times, and when I read the replies, I almost choke.

  Who's this new girl?

  Didn't you just break up with Harper? Man, you move fast!

  Dude, are you talking about Jenna Simmons? Because I just totally saw you flirting with her.

  Oh, this isn't good. My assumption isn't correct. I'm wrong—so wrong.

  Kirby wasn't trying to make Harper jealous. He just moved on—fast. And now everyone knows.

  Wincing, I glance back up at Harper who looks to be on the verge of crying.

  "He really has moved on."

  "Who's moved on?" Cole, who just exited Red, walks up to us and snatches Harper phone's from my hand before I can stop him.

  "Oh, yeah. I saw them too,” he says with a nod, then turns to my best friend. "But aren't you dating him?"

  Harper's lower lip trembles, and she snatches her phone from him. "I can't deal with this right now. I'm ditching school."

  I open my mouth to laugh, thinking she’s not serious. But then she turns for her car, telling me that she is, in fact, not joking so I quickly grab her arm to stop her. "Nope. You're staying where you are. So, what if he has already moved on? Aren't you more skilled at that? You're not known for breaking guys' hearts for nothing. Show him and everyone else what Harper Teal is truly made of."

  "Wow. Nice pep talk, sis," Cole snickers, earning glares from the both of us. "Just messing with you two." Holding his hands up in surrender, he strolls off inside the school.

  Turning back to me, Harper sniffles. "You're right. I shouldn't let this get to me. Who cares if he's moved on? I'm the one who broke up with him." Wiping the corners of her eyes, she tips her chin up. "I'm ready to face them."

  "That's what I'm talking about." Hooking my arm through her, I lead us inside the school.

  Harper squeezes my arm every time someone looks her way as we walk down the halls. She’s being paranoid, thinking they're laughing at her because of Kirby's tweet.

  But I honestly don't think they are. Being the usual nosy teenagers that they are, they're just probably a little intrigued about the breakup. Who wouldn't be after reading Kirby's cryptic tweet?

  If this whole thing is nothing but a ploy to make Harper jealous and win her back, well, that's a little screwed up. If that's really the case, then I won't be surprised if my best friend gets back together with him then dump him a few days later out of spite.

  I know I'd do the same if it ever happened to me.

  "Maybe I should just ask Jake out. He looks like the best rebound."

  My brows shoot up in surprise. "Jake as in Jake Wilson?"

  "Who else?" she laughs.

  "Well, I don't think that's a good idea."

  "Why not?"

  Because the thought of her dating him because of Kirby doesn't feel right. Maybe because it’s stupid. Not only is it not fair to Jake—he’s being dragged into something that shouldn’t concern him—but it can also backfire in a major way. I don’t think Harper will be ready to face the fallout.

  She’s just doing this out of hurt and pride. She wants to salvage what she believes to be left of her dignity.

  Which means I need to do my best to stop her. "Isn't he, like, with Zoe Reynolds right now?” That should deter her from attempting the stupid plan.

  "We both know he’s never been into serious relationships."

  "I still don't think it's a good idea,” I say as we reach my locker.

  "It'll be fine. Trust me." She squeezes my arm in reassurance before traipsing off to hers, suddenly in a bright mood.

  It's a disaster waiting to happen, it's what it is.


  "Why is Harper suddenly being friendly with that jerk?" Cole pries as I’m getting a soda refill and a scoop of gummy candies.

  We're at the bowling alley and Harper has been openly flirting with Jake since we got here. She's really serious about using him as a rebound—she stubbornly refuses to listen to reason—and acting like a
dog with a bone right now.

  Conveniently, Kirby and his friends are here too. And every single time Harper flirts with Jake, she shoots sneaky glances in his direction, as if to make sure that he's watching them.

  Oh, he's definitely watching her. In fact, he keeps glaring at the two of them even as he bowls with his friends a couple lanes away. Which means his tweet was nothing but a ploy.

  Ugh. Their relationship is a mess. I really hope they sort out their issues soon.

  And, of course, even Cole notices. He always does whenever something involves Jake. He's like a dog with a bone too when it comes to the guy.

  He's here to hang out with his friends. But right now, he's pestering me.

  "You know Harper is friendly with everyone." I take a sip from my soda as I walk back to my friends, my twin still on my heels.

  "Not that friendly," he scoffs.

  I glance back at Harper. She's now giggling and swatting Jake's arm. Oh, yeah. She's never that friendly with everyone.

  I wonder if Jake notices. But he's a boy. Boys tend to be stupid when it comes to girls—no matter how much of a ladies' man they pretend to be.

  "She's making Kirby jealous," I finally admit.

  Cole's features twist in distaste. "With that jerk?"

  I roll my eyes. "He has a name, you know."

  He ignores that. "He's not welcome in our house," he tells me pointedly before walking back to his friends, making me roll my eyes a second time.

  The thing is, Harper has a habit of bringing whoever she's dating into our home. Cole never minded since he got along with most of them. But if she truly ends up dating Jake, he'll be her first boyfriend not to be allowed in there.

  "Who's not welcome?" Marie—one of my friends—asks distractedly, not bothering to lift her eyes from her phone.

  She's been texting her boyfriend, Eliott, for the past hour. He goes to our rival school, East Grove High. She gets a lot of crap from some of our classmates because of that. Not that she ever cares.

  "I'll take a wild guess." Kara, who's sitting next to Marie, grabs a few gummies from my candy bag and pops them into her mouth. She loves candies as much as I do. Or maybe even more so—if her bubblegum pink hair is to go by. "Is it the guy Harper is cozying up to right now?"